Hte worst thing happened to me 3 days ago, and e very other website I post dis on bans ame and calls me hte moron, so dis is the last website. sry this sounds stoopiud.
My name is Dick, but you can call me richard if you wanna. Have you ever been to GamePlay? Its kinda like a old man version oif gamestop, will coolio SNES and gameboy games. One day, while lloking through the store, I saw a pokeman yellow cart with a black (and yellow) sticker. I said fuf it and took it, the man nevr asked me to pay so yey free game
I pootis it in my Gayboy advance SOP and a loud SCReeEEEE came from the speakers as a pikachoo apeared on the screen and make hamster sounds and i smiled like a kid getting a sppon of sugah until the gameboy flickered and pikachoo ExPLODED and I EXplODED
End the